About Us
Hello and Welcome to F’Yeah Theo James:
The inspiration for this site is none other than the up and coming, British actor, Theo James. We are a couple of fangirls who realized that we were completely and utterly obsessed with Theo and therefore decided that starting this fansite made a lot of sense. We love Theo and are dedicated to doing him justice by keeping up with all his projects and keeping all Theo James fans informed as well.

I am a fangirl first and foremost. I love hockey, traveling, reading, cute British men, –> crushing hard on Theo James. I’m a blogger and run a few sites, I cannot blog or talk about things I don’t love, or crush hard hard on. Good thing there’s Theo. 😉 to keep my blogging and swooning up!
During my down time, I’m with my hubby and 2 boys. If I’m not with them, I’m reading or on Twitter finding out what’s new. I love family, friends, reading and HOT Men!! Theo James definitely fall in that categorie! 😉
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